All functions |
Graphical Analysis of Propensity Score Analysis |
Balance for Categorical Covariate: Random Strata as part of a PSA |
Fisher's Exact Test for Independence of Treatments within Strata |
Kolgomorov-Smirnov 2 sample tests for multiple strata |
Balance for Continuous Covariate: Random Strata as part of a PSA |
Compare balance graphically of a continuous covariate as part of a PSA |
Compare balance graphically of a categorical covariate as part of a PSA |
Generates a Propensity Score Assessment Plot |
Supports Multiple Methods for Defining and Visualizing (PS) Strata |
Multiple Covariate Balance Assessment Plot |
Transformation of Factors to Individual Levels |
Data on 996 initial Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs) performed in 1997 at the Lindner Center, Christ Hospital, Cincinnati. |
Graphic for data and loess-based estimate of effect size after propensity score adjustment |