Function provides a measure (based on the trimmed mean) of the balance achieved between control and treatment groups for a continuous covariate from user defined strata. This statistic is compared to the same measure for randomly permuted strata.
treatment = NULL,
strata = NULL,
trim = 0,
B = 1000,
main = NULL
Quantitative covariate that is being balanced within
strata in a PSA. If continuous
has three columns, then the second
and third are assumed to be the treatment and strata respectively. Missing
values are not allowed.
Binary variable of same length as continuous
generally 0 for 'control,' 1 for 'treatment.'
Integer variable; a vector of same length as continuous
indicating the derived strata from estimated propensity scores.
Fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each end
of stratum-treatment level before the mean is computed. See
Numeric; number of randomly generated iterations of the balance measure are created for the comparison distribution.
Title passed to histogram
In addition to the histogram, a list with the following components is returned:
Balance measure of user defined strata.
Rank of original balance measure in comparison with the B randomly generated values.
This function measures the balance achieved across K strata for a continuous covariate. If \( \mu_{ik} \) is the covariate trimmed (as specified by user) mean of cases in stratum k, treatment i, then the statistic is the sum over all K of \( |\mu_{0k} - \mu_{1k}| \). A permutation distribution is generated by randomly assigning cases to strata, thus generating B permuted stratifications and the associated B permutation statistics. The permutation stratifications are generated under a fixed marginals model to retain comparability with the original stratification. A histogram of the permutation statistics is produced with the original statistic referenced as a red dot.
, bal.cws.psa
, bal.cs.psa
#Balance stat should be close to zero
#> $balance.orig
#> [1] 0.009313108
#> $rank.orig
#> [1] 1
#Balance stat should be close to .4
continuous<-c(meas, meas[1:250] + runif(250,0,.2),
strata<-rep(c(rep(1,100), rep(2,100), rep(3,100),
bal.ms.psa(continuous, treatment, strata, B=200)
#> $balance.orig
#> [1] 0.07968108
#> $rank.orig
#> [1] 68